Subject: Vanguard Homepage and stuff
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Sep 13 2006 - 00:23:36 CDT
The Loft's homepage is moving servers, and we hope to have it ready to
go by early next week. We'll put a note under people's door and send out
email on the list when it's ready.
Because the private area is for resident's only and requires a password,
you'll have to request a new login id and pw. Although I set passwords
for people, they are confidential and I don't have access to them
(they are encrypted). We'll provide instructions on the sheet under your
door and in email on Monday or Tuesday as a reminder.
The homepage will include relevant documents (rules, bylaws, and others),
the minutes, discussion list archives, and more. If there is anything
you want to see there, let Chris Lattimer or I know.
Also, if you talk to any of our new residents, let them know about the
discussion group. We've had some new people move this year who might
not know about it. About two-thirds of the units are on the list.
Jim / #501
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /
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