Access Control System - Update

Subject: Access Control System - Update
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 09:57:31 CDT


The new Access Control System for the building is schedule to be installed
over the next couple of weeks. Installation will begin on Monday morning
(8/21/2006). Please expect to see activity in and around the building as
the project takes place. Once the system has been installed and tested,
the board of directors and property management will initiate the rollout.
Our goal is to make the transition as smooth as possible for everyone. If
you have any questions, please post to the discussion board and we'll try
to provide answers.

I'd like to thank everyone for their patients over the past few months.
Our goals for this project are to increase building security, enhance
personal safety, and provide capital improvements. Please watch for
updates and an official notice from First Properties in regards to the new
Access Control System.

Best regards,
- Chris

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