Re: Hey, what resident would damage property???!?

Subject: Re: Hey, what resident would damage property???!?
From: Manosh John (
Date: Fri Aug 18 2006 - 10:42:02 CDT

Lucky you caught this, Jim. And kudos for taking action! I assume the
offender will be individually responsible for any damages(?).

Just curious - do we have video recording available with the security cams?
If not, would it be worthwhile looking into such a system and evaluate
whether the cost of the system would offset the costs incurred to the
association from damages of this nature that are perpetrated by specific
individuals? Just looking for ways to deter these unscrupulous activities
and lower association costs on the whole...

Chime in with your thoughts....


On 8/17/06, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Just a suggestion - it's very uncool for residents to damage property
> to their own building. Tacky. Very tacky. Especially when you're
> observed and details recorded.
> To the person who forcibly opened the swing gate on Troop tonight
> about 7:45: B-U-S-T-E-D!
> You were observed, tracked, and will be contacted. Bad move. Very bad.
> Most of the damage to the building comes from goofy residents who
> don't clean up after dogs in the elevator, track mud onto the carpets,
> and spill garbage and other debris that stains the rugs (see the 5th floor
> by the back door/east as an example).
> If anybody sees dolts doing serious damage, post it to the list, take
> a picture, and otherwise help protect our investment. Repairing things
> costs money that we all pay for.
> Thanks for listening.
> Jim / #501
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University
> /

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