Re: USA Dish

Subject: Re: USA Dish
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 27 2006 - 22:30:26 CST

> I forgot, do service requests to that pathetic joke of a business USA Dish
> go through first properties or do I contact that big idiot Roddy myself.
> Make that attempt to contact him myself, for I have better odds of getting
> struck by lightning or eaten by a shark.

Dom, we've always had quick service from Roddy and Solius (his techie),
so try given Roddy a call. My experiences seem at odds with others,
but we've found him very quick to respond.

If you (and others) have problems, document when you called, the problem,
and then keep a record of it and submit it to the board. We are reviewing
options. Documented information helps us.

Jim / 501
Jim Thomas / Department of Sociology / Northern Illinois University /

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