Re: USA Dish. Has anyone made use of Comcast Triple Play?

Subject: Re: USA Dish. Has anyone made use of Comcast Triple Play?
Date: Wed Nov 29 2006 - 11:21:07 CST


USA Dish has exclusive rights to the property per the contract that was
signed on August 29, 2000. This contract is available for all owners via
the Vanguard Lofts website.

Michael Kolar <>
Sent by:
11/27/2006 04:07 PM
Please respond to


Re: USA Dish. Has anyone made use of Comcast Triple Play?

Dear Everyone at 1250 W. VanBuren.

     Has anyone signed up for Comcast Triple Play.
You get unlimited phone calls, unlimited High Speed
Internet, and cable TV for only $99.00 dollars a
month. It all travels over your phone line, so you
don't need to make use of USA Dish equipment, so it
does not void our contract. All you need to do is
stop subscribing to Dish Network.

Michael Kolar

--- Dom Shurba <> wrote:

> I forgot, do service requests to that pathetic joke
> of a business USA Dish
> go through first properties or do I contact that big
> idiot Roddy myself.
> Make that attempt to contact him myself, for I have
> better odds of getting
> struck by lightning or eaten by a shark.
> Thanks
> Dom 612
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