Re: Washer/Dryer

Subject: Re: Washer/Dryer
From: Michael Peterman (
Date: Wed Jan 03 2007 - 14:20:37 CST

It is my understanding that most gas dryers are 120V. The 30A/250V unit you
mentioned is most likely electric. Aside from re-wiring that area for 220V,
there is no way to operate an electric unit with your existing wiring.


On 1/3/07, Stankos, Brian <> wrote:
> Has anyone in the building replaced their original washer/dryer yet? My
> unit has a 20 Amp/120 Volt outlet in the laundry closet, but most new
> dryers require 30A/250V service. I'm wondering if anyone else has
> encountered this same problem and what they did to resolve it.
> Thanks!
> Brian, #513

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