Vanguard Archives - January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007
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Starting: Tue Jan 02 2007 - 17:18:31 CST
Ending: Mon Dec 31 2007 - 08:59:58 CST
- (no subject)
- A/C Appointments starting Tuesday
- AC and Sun Ray this week
- Air Conditioning
- Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
- Annuncements: Hot water / Christmas Tree / and suchs
- Another critical rule / dog registration
- another math test
- Another test
- Another test to the list
- Attempted unauthorized entry into our apartment 10/30
- back elevator/back door
- Backup power
- Backup power and garage door/gate
- Bag in the tree
- Balconies
- Bhuiat Mansukhari
- Bike/Dog registration forms
- bikes
- Board meeting & recycling questio
- Board meeting & recycling question
- Board meeting minutes and such
- Building Security
- Building security (fwd)
- Building Security - Roof Access
- Cingular-AT&T cell phone servic
- Cingular-AT&T cell phone service
- cleaning lady
- Cleaning up after dogs
- Consistent Broken Elevator
- Cook county tax urls
- dead grass
- Discussion list archives
- dog poop
- dog walker
- Dogs, surveillance, and such
- Dogs, surveillance, and such (fwd)
- Dolly
- Don't forget: Vanguard party Saturday, July 7
- Door
- Draft of rules
- E-mail courtesy and such
- East (rear) Service Elevator
- Enforcing rules and such
- Exercise - It's probably not realistic, but....
- few concerns
- Final List for A/C Service
- First Properties Bulletin: Sewer Power Rodding Maintenance
- Follow-up on dogs
- Follow-up on dogs, good for the Board!
- Found - Silver hoop earring
- from math
- from math - this should be forwared
- from math fwd??
- Fwd: Important Driver's License Info
- Garbage Disposal
- Guest parking spaces
- HD Upgrade
- Heating & Cooling Professional
- Hello from venus
- Help
- Hi from kim
- Hot water
- Hot water slowly coming back
- Internet Service
- internet service phone number Etc
- Items available for Sale
- Joy Ringger
- Key Fob
- Keys, fobs, and power-outage access
- Lawn and Garden Tools
- Lights in rear elevator are out
- Logo contest for vanguard!
- Lost Cash (fwd)
- Lost Key
- Lost money (again)
- Marking mail boxes
- Meeting tonight & last June's minutes
- meetings -meeting needs?
- Minutes of June Board meeting
- More info on USADISH
- More information from Board meeting last week
- More on USADISH
- More storm warnings: Guest Parking!
- My Internet Modem
- New Development
- No hot water???
- Number for Dish Service
- Owners meeting - Weds, Nov 14
- Owners meeting summary - Part II
- parking
- Parking Gates / Rurde Notes
- Parking Space
- parking space for rent
- Parking spaces and storage
- Parking spaces for rent
- Pedestrian Gate to the remote lot
- Phone books to be removed -
- post from venus
- Potential Agreement with All-Temp
- Preliminary Minutes of the March '07 meeting
- question
- Rear Double Doors
- rear elevator
- Recycling bins are here
- Reminder - lost cash
- Reminder: Vanguard Lofts - Saturday - Project and Cookout
- Reminders on storage room policy
- Remote Lot Side Gate
- Replacing my door
- Replacing my door - Update
- Rodding work Dec 21
- roof acess
- Rules passed and in effect
- Security and propping doors open
- Sept 19 board meeting
- Shutting windows in the rain
- smoking in the halls
- Status of on-going issues
- Stone from Earring
- storage space
- Storm warnings - rules violations
- Stuck Elevators and service numbers to call
- Sun Ray
- SunRay/AC info
- taxes from escrow
- Test email
- test from mat
- Test from math
- test from math fwd?
- test from venus
- Thank You!
- Thank You!-No, Thank YOU
- TV installation
- Unit sales prices
- USA Dish - HDTV Equipment & Service
- USA Dish Contract
- USA Dish upgrades
- USADISH and keeping track of your complaints
- USADISH update
- Vanguard E-mail list
- Vanguard list now moderated
- Vanguard Lofts - 1224 WVB Construction on 11/13/2007 10am - 12pm
- Vanguard Lofts - Board Meeting 11/14/2007
- Vanguard Lofts - Broken Water Valve
- Vanguard Lofts - Community Tools
- Vanguard Lofts - Front Lobby
- Vanguard Lofts - Project Update
- Vanguard Lofts - Rear Elevator Status Report
- Vanguard Lofts - Rezko Litigation
- Vanguard Lofts - Rules and Regulations Draft
- Vanguard Lofts - Visitor Parking - Remove ALL Vehicles by Noon Today! (7/6/2007)
- Vanguard Lofts - Visitor Parking - Remove ALL Vehicles by Noon Today!(7/6/2007)
- Vanguard Lofts - Web Site Updated (fwd)
- Vanguard Lofts - Website Updates
- Vanguard Lofts Website Update
- Vanguard Rules meeting tonight:
- Vet
- Visitor Parking - (fwd)
- Washer/Dryer
- Water Outage Tomorrow
- Watering Parkways and Trash Pickup
- Weds Owners Meeting - Part I
- Welcome to new Vanguard Residents!
- West Loop Community Meeting, 11/13/07 (fwd)
- West Loop Promenade
- What time does the board meeting start tonight.
- Window Coverings...Any Suggestions?
- window film
- Wine and Watering Parkways and Trash Pickup
- Wine winners in Logo Contest
Last message date: Mon Dec 31 2007 - 08:59:58 CST
Archived on: Wed Apr 30 2008 - 00:39:27 CDT
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