Subject: Re: USA Dish Contract
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Tue Jan 30 2007 - 16:41:25 CST
I think the comcast idea is a great idea. i am all for it.
Jeremy Butterfield <> wrote:
not surprising to hear that this litigation has been discussed for years
withno resolution. such is the situation often when you take someone to
court to resolve an issue. my vote is to take matters into our own hands
andmake USA Dish be the "complaintants." if we continue to go the
litigationroute, we may all continue to be unsatisfied and inconvenienced
forstill more years.
i bought an hd-ready tv five years ago and still can't see an hd channel
withit. i'm using a 15 yr old vcr that hardly works because i keep thinking
that i'm going to get a dvr. i've been on several phone calls with first
properties and usa dish over the years with the hopes of getting hd and dvr
capability to the building. roddy has been stringing me along this entire
time by saying that we're just months away from a fix--apparently knowing it
was never going to happen because it would cost him many many thousands of
dollars to upgrade the building--dollars he doesn't have, and dollars that
heprobably wouldn't see a return on. needless to say, i'm beyond fed up.
finally it appears that there are dozens of owners in the building as fed up
as i am with the usa dish situation.
i'd like to offer a solution for the problem that i haven't heard anyone
suggest. it could be turned around in 60-90 days and i'm interested in
hearing your opinions about it. i spoke to comcast a few days ago and all
they need is a signature from a board member or the condo mgmt to let them
install equip onto the property and they'll offer service to our units.
theyof course offer digital cable with hd and dvrs, high speed internet, and
phone service. it wouldn't cost us anything to hook the building up with
it,and they wouldn't be using any of usa dish's current wires, cables, etc.
with this solution, we could all cancel usa dish and not ever be without
service. we'd all be eligible for whatever promotions they currently have
running...and we'd all have available current technology at reasonable
pricesfrom a company that is closely watched by the city of chicago. if
their customer satisfaction percentage ever falls below a certain level (i
think around 97%), they could lose their license in the city. i'm
interestedin your opinions about this. i'm not an attorney, but the way i
see it the worst case scenario is we get taken to court by usa dish for a
suit that we want to initiate ourselves anyway. with a complaint list a
milelong, i'm fairly certain we'd win. i just don't see why we should have
to take THEM to court and be forced to wait even longer for a solution to
this problem. even if this ultimately costs us some money, i really think
that it's worth it. it's very possible that the inability to have hd and
dvrs in the building is negatively impacting the value of our property as
i'm sure first properties and their attys will advise against this solution,
but i'm tired of hearing about this and i think we owners have been
inconvenienced for long enough. it's time for action. please share your
reactions to this suggestion.
Jeremy Butterfield
From: Mary Deskovich
Subject: Re: USA Dish Contract
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2007 10:49:53 -0800 (PST)
I was not able to get in touch w/ USADish using the phone # I had (off of
ouroriginal contract and it turned out to be incorrect) I called the toll
free DishNetwork # on my bill. The4y supplied me w/ a working number for USA
Dish. When I called 630.539.1154 this AM Roddy answered and a tech was at my
unit two hours later to fix the internet problem.
One interesting thing I did learn from DishNetwork is that if enough people
file complaints with them about USADish, their status as a "subcontractor"
for DishNetwork will be re-evaluated, fines could be levied against them and
their contract voided. So, you might want to put some heat on USADish by
calling DishNetwork at 800.454.0843 and making them aware of your
displeasurew/ Roddy and friends.
The rep from DishNetwork also said that it has only been recently that a DVR
has been available the type of service we have to our building, but there is
definitely equuipment available for us now.
Mary wrote:
Currently we are locked into a 10 year contract with USA Dish. USA Dish
has exclusive rights to the property and this is why you can't get Direct
TV, Comcast, or any type of service for that matter. USA Dish owns the
satellite equipment and portions of the distribution infrastructure in the
The contract between Vanguard Lofts Condo Association and USA Dish is
posted on the website for all owners. It was signed by the Board of
Directors on August 29, 2000.
The board of directors is aware of the many problems with USA Dish. We are
working hard to plan for the future so we can outfit the building with
state of the art infrastructure and services. As things currently stand,
we are waiting for the contract with USA Dish to expire so we can find an
alternate service provider. The attorney and the board of directors has
determined this to be the most cost effective solution for the
association. Litigation will cost us money and inevitably take a
substantial amount of time. Other alternatives are possible and are still
in the discovery process.
Let history be a lesson to all... Roddy and USA Dish have left us with
very little customer service or customer satisfaction over the past six
years. USA Dish has not performed any system upgrades in the building
since the original installation of the satellite system. Roddy's focus is
on his new company (Global Edge Technologies) and seems to have very
little interest in performing upgrades to existing customers.
If anyone needs a service call, please contact First Properties and
document your service request. Email or call Loretta Wheeler and have her
document the service request, the date and time, how many subsequent calls
were placed, any problems that were encountered, and when the service
request ticket was closed.
Contact Information:
Loretta Wheeler - First Properties
Roddy - USA Dish
Best regards,
- Chris
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