Subject: Re: New Development
From: Joy Ringger (
Date: Sun Apr 08 2007 - 19:32:53 CDT
thanks for the information you know if the second phase of development next door will take up all of the parking lots behind us or will the building be built directly behind the current building?
Jim Thomas <> wrote:
Some of the architects on the list with better memories can correct me,
but as I recall, there was a meeting last year to discuss rezoning that
area across the street on Jackson (circa 1238-1248) from M1-3 to B2-3.
Here's a rough summary of zoning:
Again, I'm semi-clueless on zoning issues, and somebody else can jump
in and correct the details, but I've been told by the usual gossip-mongers
--the building going up across the street on Jackson (next to FredEric
studios) got the B2-3 zoning
--B2-3 zoning means mixed commercial/residential space with a limit of
three times the ground floor space above the ground floor (which limits
a building to four floors)
--the current plan is to have rental commercial area on the ground floor
and three residential/"probably rentals" above
On the development of the land directly behind Vanguard, across from
the alley: Last word I heard, back in late '06, was that they won't
begin tearing down that old house and starting construction until the
current develpment immediately to the west of us is completed and the
developers recoup some of their investment to start phase II (the second
8 story building). Although plans were to begin it this summer, the source
suggested that might be an optmistic date. I was told that the new
structure would "probably" have ground floor inside parking and there
was a plan to turn some space on the west side into a "green area."
Maybe one of the architects on the list can dig out the plan for it.
NOTE: The above is hearsay from various workers, project managers, and
such, so I can't vouch for the accuracy.
On Sun, 8 Apr 2007, Dawn Madon wrote:
> Also curious about the parking lots to the north of
> the building... will the building next door be
> building anything there?
> --- Zach Simmons wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I was just curios if anybody had any information
> > about the new development
> > just north of us on Jackson. Does anybody know what
> > the zoning is for that
> > lot?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Zach
> > #1B
Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /
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