Re: smoking in the halls

Subject: Re: smoking in the halls
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu Apr 12 2007 - 13:20:29 CDT

On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Robin Raffel wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I just wanted to send a quick email to those of you
> who smoke in the halls, stairwells, and elevators.
> Please stop. it is so smelly and so dangerous in the
> wooden stairwells.
> It is not fair to the rest of us that have to smell it
> through the bottom of their doors or while waiting for
> the back elevator.
> Please stop.

Robin, Chicago's 2005 city ordinance bans smoking in public places, which
includes our common areas. Fire ordinances also restrict it. The Board
is currently working on a rules revision that we'll submit to residents
for comments within the next few months. The Board is proposing that
smoking in unauthorized spaces carry stiff fines.

Jim / #501

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