RE: Heating & Cooling Professional

Subject: RE: Heating & Cooling Professional
From: Kerry Judd (
Date: Mon Apr 16 2007 - 20:00:58 CDT

  Thanks for the advice on heating & cooling companies. Much appreciated!

Debra Aaron <> wrote:
I see a lot of people have responded already but thought I'd add my two
cents. You are suppose to have your system checked twice a year... once
when you get ready to turn your airconditioning on. I believe the unit on
the roof needs to be checked... and then again in the fall when you get
ready to turn your heat on. I watched a service man clean my unit for the
fall and I can could probably do it next time myself.

Like Jim, I also use Sun Ray. They are prompt and the service guys are
great. They will sell you a package for a twice year inspection. Not sure
what it is this year but I'll be calling them soon... if we ever get a warm
day or two in a row.


>From: Kerry Judd
>Subject: Heating & Cooling Professional
>Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 06:26:32 -0700 (PDT)
>I need to get my furnace cleaned. Does anyone recommend a certain company
>or licensed individual for this?
> Thanks.
> Kerry
> #504

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