Subject: Re: CORRECTION: Re: Dogs, surveillance, and such (fwd)
From: edward kurek (
Date: Fri Apr 27 2007 - 07:14:01 CDT
On Thursday, April 26, 2007, at 11:15PM, "Jim Thomas" <> wrote:
>Dom, Robin, and others:
>We all know that most dog owners are responsible. Key word: "MOST!"
>Some aren't. It's those who aren't who cause problems. It's not
>non-residents who allow dogs to deficate in our rear driveway or by the
>back door, and it's certainly not the dogs of non-residents who urinate
>in the rear lobby or in the elevator. It's not non-residents who
>continue to take dogs out the front entrance. It's not non-residents
>who put dog droppings in the trash can by the rear elevator. The Board is
>exploring ways to deal with non-residents, but our immediate concern is
>with that very small group of residents who disrespect the rest of us.
>The Board is sympathetic to the issues of dog owners, and we're exploring
>ways to make things easier, such as providing bags in the rear lobby
>if people forget them, or putting a separate trash can outside the rear
>door. This takes time. We know that we can't control what dogs do. We
>also know that we can control what owners do, and if accidents happen,
>they can be cleaned up, not left for others to step in. We've had enough
>complaints from other residents that we have to deal with it a bit more
>When you both say that emails do no good, or that we do talking without
>taking action, you're missing a few points:
>1) The emails are intended to communicate a policy to people. How else
>would you do it? We will also be announcing this in hard copy for those
>not on the list.
>2) The emails were fairly explicit: They announce that we ARE taking
>action. The new digital security videos allow offenders to be identified
>and action taken. We can post either pictures or video snippets on the
>homepage and/or fine offenders. The previous posts were intended to
>let that mega-minority know that they're on notice and will be held
>If you have other suggestions for action, please share them with us.
>For now, what we're proposing is the best we can do to try to balance
>the rights and interests of everybody by targeting the few who are causing
>the problems.
>So, let's all work in the spirit of cooperation to try to resolve an
>issue in which a few are causing problems for the others.
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