Re: Follow-up on dogs

Subject: Re: Follow-up on dogs
From: michael mccarthy (
Date: Sat Apr 28 2007 - 08:51:45 CDT

I understand that there is a policy in place where dog
owners are responsible for picking up after their pets
and respecting the rules of the association; I think
the initial emails were sufficient. However, I am
extremely disgusted by the way this situation is being
handled. I want to stress that I am NOT one of the
individuals who has their picture posted on the
bulletin board downstairs, but I am extremely
concerned with the way these people are being
alienated. Not only is it offensive and over the top,
but also borders on harassment. If people are so
insistent on harassing the dog owners of the building
who pay a mortgage, taxes, and association fees just
like everyone else, what's next?

God forbid we focus as heavily on other items of
importance such as the "pending litigation", USA Dish
contract, real estate tax appeals that never result in
our favor, insufficient security measures, litter
thrown onto the street, broken elevators, and a whole
array of issues that never seem to receive as much

If the issue with the dogs is something that the whole
building is so concerned with, please reach out to the
specific individuals who committed these "offenses" in
a more private manner, instead of blowing this way out
of proportion. It's ugly and probably fuels people to

You're right, we do "live in a community in which we
MUST respect the rights of others." So please, try
taking some of your own advice.

Thanks for listening!


--- wrote:

> Im glad we have spent thousands of dollars on a
> security system to use it to fine dog owners. That
> makes lots of sense. I thought we purchased a
> "security system" for now i know this is a strange
> thought SECURITY! So i hope the board eventually
> uses this tool to do other things than look at dogs
> urinate and defecate. Doesn't sound like money well
> spent to me!!!
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:45 PM
> Subject: Follow-up on dogs
> Not to beat a dead horse, but just another reminder:
> nearly all dog owners
> in the building are responsible! Period! It's the
> few who aren't who draw
> attention to all the other dog owners and trigger
> complaints from other
> residents. These few are the people who make it hard
> on the rest of us.
> In compliance with city code, loft rules, and common
> decency, the Board
> is trying to balance the rights of dogs (and their
> owners) with the
> interests of all of us. Dogs are cool. Irresponsible
> owners aren't.
> Since this discussion began, there have been a
> stunning number of
> instances of the same few abusers continuing their
> abuse.
> Despite postings on doors, on the e-list, and
> elsewhere, a few people
> still don't get it. For those folk, I'll try to be a
> bit clearer:
> 1) You live in a community in which you MUST respect
> the rights of others.
> 2) The overwhelming majority of dog owners (and
> their dogs) are
> responsible. Those of you who flaunt Association
> rules with an
> "in-your-face" attitude do a disservice to all
> residents, especially
> other dog owners who do their best to comply with
> the rules. Dogs have
> accidents. Fine. Just clean up after them. The front
> door is not to
> be used for walking pets (except in the those rare
> circumstances when
> the back door, back elevator, or back gate isn't
> working, or if you
> have a disability and require a service dog).
> 3) For those who get busted, please don't use the
> "other dog owners do it"
> excuse. Most other dog owners DON'T do it. Please
> don't tarnish the
> majority with your own irresponsibility.
> 4) We've mentioned before that the new digital
> security system is
> rather powerful. Anybody can monitor it, as we've
> previously explained.
> (the UHF channels are 14, 16, 18). The Board will be
> gentle for the first
> few weeks and merely post pictures of offenders on
> the homepage in in
> hardcopy on the lobby bulletin board. If those same
> few repeat offenders
> continue to be repeat offenders, then stronger
> action will be taken.
> 5) Remember: Pets MUST be registered!
> Remember: The issue isn't dog owners: It's about
> just a handful of
> irresponsible residents with dogs.
> So, if you're among that tiny handful of people
> we're addressing, please
> help the other 95 pct of us by showing some respect.
> Thanks for listening.
> Jim Thomas / Board sec'y
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