Re: Follow-up on dogs

Subject: Re: Follow-up on dogs
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Sat Apr 28 2007 - 10:39:43 CDT

I did attend the last board meeting. I was 1 of 2 people there that were not on the board. Yes, all those things were discussed but nothing ever comes of it.
  i agree with the person the other emails that have been written here.
  Those pictures posted by the elevator were horrible and totally not fair. We paid a lot of money for those security cameras, not cameras to bust people who live here, pay mortages and taxes to live here. this is so silly and babyish. punish the people individually, dont make them wear a scarlet A in the building and dont make it so people are scared to make any moves in this building. we are supposed to be a community. these emails and posted pictures are tearing this community apart and making it so people want to move. who wants to live in place where your pcitures are posted. that is disgusting. wrote:
  If residents would just come to the board meetings and talk with the board
members and property management. All these items are discussed at each

- pending litigation
- USA Dish contract
- real estate tax appeals
- security measures
- litter thrown onto the street
- broken elevators
- and a whole array of issues that receive the "full" attention of the
board members and property management

The last board meeting had around 12 people present. 5 of those people
were board members and one was the property manager. But this is nothing
new, board meetings have had poor attendance for many years. It's a shame
that more residents don't take the time to get involved in the community
in which they live.

FYI... the next board meeting is scheduled for June 13. I encourage
everyone to attend.

- Chris

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