Status of on-going issues

Subject: Status of on-going issues
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Sat Apr 28 2007 - 15:55:03 CDT

Michael asked:

> God forbid we focus as heavily on other items of
> importance such as the "pending litigation", USA Dish
> contract, real estate tax appeals that never result in
> our favor, insufficient security measures, litter
> thrown onto the street, broken elevators, and a whole
> array of issues that never seem to receive as much
> attention.

We've tried to keep people informed of things with 1P's letters and email
and at Board meetings. We posted the unofficial minutes of the last
Board meeting on the Vanguard homepage, and we've been putting up relevant
documents there as well. We all believe in open communication, and if you
want something on the homepage, let us know and we'll do our best.

We've answered most of those questions before, but here we go again:

1) The Rezmar suit is still ongoing. We have no control over the pace
of litigation. Tony Rezko's current legal troubles complicate things, as
do plaintiffs' attempt to shift blame to others, who must then also be
deposed. Litigation can drag on.

2) The property tax appeal: We knew an appeal would be a long-shot, but
it was worth a try. It's a bureaucratic process. We tried, but it
didn't work.

3) It's not clear what the insufficient security measures are. If there
are security problems, or if there are other measures that we could take,
let us know. None have been brought to our attention since the breakins
a few years ago. The old security surveillance system helped nab the
culprits, owners were encouraged to get double locks, the video
security system was upgraded, we switched to key fob system on most
common doors, and the locks on the front door were reinforced. We also
are in the process of exploring new lighting. None of this can prevent
anything from happening, but it can reduce the probability of it

4) DISH: This remains ongoing, and we continue to explore options. We
were promised upgrades by around June 1. We expect that promise to be
honored. If it isn't, we go from there. We were not dealt a strong hand
in dealing with this issue. The original contract was for 10 years and it
was written in the provider's favor. Unfortunately, there has not yet been
sufficient grounds to challenge the contract, and to litigate or
unilaterally cancel the contract is not a viable option at this time.
It would be costly, at this time we'd likely lose, and it could result
in substantial disruption of service. Alternative providers cannot
come in until contract issues are resolved. We're trying to work with
the current provider to find an amicable solution, something that is
on-going. If we can't work out an amicable solution, we go to Plan B.

5) Broken elevators: When you find something not functioning, call it in.
Service people are generally good about re-setting the elevator or fixing
other problems. Some of the problems over the years are the result of
shoddy construction (part of the Rezmar suit). Others have been fixed,
such as the back gate to the parking ramp and the pedistrian gate. We're
also working on roof and balcony issues and other things in an attempt
to be proactive.

Those who've been around a few years know that we've had some issues with
the previous 1A contact. She's no longer with 1A. The new contact, Joe
Lara, is responsive, competent, and on the ball. We can notice the
changes and hope others can too.

There are other issues we're dealing with that have been brought to our
attention, both individual and general, some major, some small. If you
can't come to Board meetings, just read the minutes. If your questions
aren't answered, then ask us on the list and we'll do our best to respond.
We're constrained from publicly discussing litigation, and some issues
involve confidentiality. Other than that, we'll do our best to provide

Above all, if you have something you want brought to the board's
attention, let us know. If you can't come to the Board meetings and if
you don't want to post to the list, just send email to:

   The entire board:
   President - Chris Lattimer:
   Sec'y - Jim Thomas:

You can access the homepage at:
(Click on "login" under the pic at the top-left of the page). If you
don't have a login id/pw yet, just drop Chris or I a note.

We can't make everybody happy, but we can try to protect our collective
interests and be responsive. If you have suggestions or ideas, let us


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