Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion

Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
From: Allison Prybylo (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 09:47:04 CDT


I need to run mine to see if it is working...I've been out of town all week
and haven't checked. If mine needs a recharge I too would be interseted in
agroup rate.

From: Derek Lane <>
Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
Date: Wed, 30 May 2007 06:35:28 -0700 (PDT)
>Count me in as well. I would rather do it sooner than later and would be
available for the technician.
>Zach Simmons <> wrote: I would also be interested in a
group rate. I would prefer sometime before
>I leave town June 9th if possible.
>I'm available during the days until then to let a service guy in if
>On 5/30/07, Dana Parker wrote:
>>I'd also like to get into a group rate, but would like it much sooner
>>9 mo. pregnant). Is ACon the company to call?
>>- Dana Parker
>>>Group sounds good. I'm in. And if you don't mind letting the service
>>guy in
>>>after the 15th, it would be a great help to me. If others want it
>>>maybe we can negotiate two separate days.
>>>If anyone else is interested, please email back.
>>>- Amit
>>>Amit B. Patel, MD (PGY-4)
>>>Dept. of Otolaryngology-
>>>Head &Neck Surgery
>>>University of Illinois at Chicago
>>>Chicago, IL 60612
>>>(P) - 312.996.2242 ext 8724
>>>----- Original Message ----
>>>From: Mary Deskovich
>>>Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 7:48:45 AM
>>>Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
>>>Mine hasn't been looked at since I moved in and although I don't run it
>>a lot
>>>it probably could benefit from a service call. Count me in if we
>>arrange a
>>>group. If we can wait until after June 15 I will be out of school and
>>can be
>>>the one who waits for the service guy.
>>>Mary (614)
>>>Michael Peterman wrote:
>>>I ran my A/C yesterday for the first time. It has to run almost
>>>continuously to maintain 78 degrees. So I'm guessing mine will need a
>>>recharge as well. Maybe if we get a few more owners together, we can
>>>negotiate a group rate?
>>>On 5/29/07, Amit Patel wrote:
>>>>Sounds like people like ACon. Any other suggestions on AC repair or
>>>>companies people have had luck with. From a few of the comments, some
>>>>the companies have been less helpful than others.
>>>>Amit B. Patel, MD (PGY-4)
>>>>Dept. of Otolaryngology-
>>>>Head &Neck Surgery
>>>>University of Illinois at Chicago
>>>>Chicago, IL 60612
>>>>(P) - 312.996.2242 ext 8724
>>>>----- Original Message ----
>>>>From: Lucas Kok
>>>>Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 10:25:20 AM
>>>>Subject: Re: Air Conditioning
>>>>I had to recharge the freon in my ac last summer becos it wasn't
>>>>apt, its been working great since. No outtage problems here.
>>>>--- Joy Ringger wrote:
>>>>>Mine is working and worked all night.
>>>>>Zach Simmons wrote:
>>>>>Mine has been out for the last week or two. Has anybody else had this
>>>>>problem lately?
>>>>>On 5/25/07, Dana Parker wrote:
>>>>>>Did anyone else experience an Air Conditioning outage
>>>>>>last night? Just wondering if it has something to do
>>>>>>with the entire building or just our unit.
>>>>>>Dana Parker
>>>>a vacation? Get great deals
>>>>to amazing places on Yahoo! Travel.

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