RE: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion

Subject: RE: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
From: Jeremy Butterfield (
Date: Wed May 30 2007 - 10:28:22 CDT

I had All Temp out a month ago to svc both my furnace and AC units bc I hadn't had them looked at for yrs. I have yet to have them do the AC portion bc I hadn't gotten preapproval for roof access so I'm definitely in if others have them out.

The "club" thing they're referring to is just a confusing way of giving you a bulk discount for having both units checked (normally at different times of the year). They came recommended by a unit owner in the building and I suppose I was satisfied with the first leg of the svc. I think the total for both was about $150.

Since they have to do each unit individually, I think the only advantage to using them is they are well known by first props and they are preapproved for roof access, ie licenses and insurance are on file already. You just need to schedule with all temp and make Joe Lara aware of the date/time. Some other vendors may require some leg work by you for forms to be submitted.


-----Original Message-----
From: "" <> on behalf of "Michael Peterman" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 3:09 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion

Left message with Joe.

Spoke with Carol at All Temp. They cannot offer group rates, but could
possibly schedule all service requests for the same day, which benefits
All-temp just fine but not us. Each individual owner would be required to
call and schedule a service request. It's $95 just to get someone out. If
you need a recharge, Freon is additional, but they would not give me an
estimate over the phone as to what that runs. In addition, someone must be
in each apartment unit to turn it on and off for them.

She offered some sort of "discount club" membership which has someone out to
clean and check the unit twice a year. Any recharging, etc is additional.
Not sure how that helps.

They have openings the week of June 11 if anyone is interested.

Other suggestions?

On 5/30/07, Michael Peterman <> wrote:
> I will call Joe Lara at 1p to let him know of our intentions and also All
> Temp. I'll report back as soon as I have any info.
> Michael
> 304


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