Re: Potential Agreement with All-Temp

Subject: Re: Potential Agreement with All-Temp
Date: Thu May 31 2007 - 14:28:48 CDT

I have a question:

 If one has the problem described, is it O.K. to still run the air conditioner? I'm wondering since the fan keeps going and going, is that hard on the motor?

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Michael Peterman" <>
> For those that joined the listserv late, a collection of us unit owners are
> experiencing problems with their A/C units.  The general problem is that the
> A/C is not blowing as cold as it should.  This may or may not be caused by a
> leaky valve on the units that allows the freon gas to escape.  That is based
> on reports from several unit owners and the solutions they have uncovered,
> as well as from the experience of an A/C repairman that was on site.
> I offered up the suggestion of joining up for a possible "group rate" on
> service from a company that has a history with the building and that has
> their license on file with First Properties.  The thought was that if enough
> of us are in need of service, one or more companies would offer us a
> discounted rate.  I contacted two companies, the first being All-Temp which
> is probably the most well known HVAC firm to our building.  The second
> company is headed by Robert Zaborniak who as mentioned above, worked on a
> unit at Vanguard and is familiar with the leaky valve issue.
> After a few calls, Sean at All-Temp spoke with the owner of that company and
> is willing to offer us a price break due to our special circumstances.  The
> terms are as follows:
> 1.  The $95 service charge per unit owner will be brought down to $79.95.
> This charge is normally just for "showing up" for the service call.  Sean
> will add a cleaning and inspection to this fee for no additional charge.
> 2.  Each unit owner participating will receive a 15% discount on parts and
> labor.  So if you need freon, you get 15% off the $24/lb rate and a discount
> on the labor to fill it up.  Estimates for the amount of freon required are
> from 3-6lbs.
> 3.  Next week is booked, so possibly the week of June 11th is when the
> service will be scheduled.  It will be completed in 1-2 days, depending on
> the final count of unit owners and the problems, if any, found.
> 4.  Sean also is highly recommending the Discount Club which is $160/year if
> you have one furnace, one A/C unit, and one humidifier.  It includes a twice
> a year inspection and cleaning and offers 15% discount on any parts and
> labor.   Joining this club is OPTIONAL and not required for our group rate.
> 5.  We must as a group, provide the full name, unit number and telephone
> number of each unit owner to All-Temp.  Each owner may have to call All-temp
> to confirm, but I will nail that down with Sean when I call him next.
> So basically they are offering us a hybrid of their Discount Club prices.
> We are getting a break on the service call fee, getting a free inspection
> and cleaning, and a 15% discount on parts and labor.  This is essentially
> "half" the service of the $160/yr Discount Club, which many have already
> paid for.  So if you have, you are not missing out on anything since this is
> essentially only half of what you are getting already.
> I forgot to ask if someone needs to be in each unit at the time of service
> but I'm guessing that is 'yes' since they told me that yesterday.  I will
> check on that also.
> I think this is a pretty favorable arrangement.  We can discuss it here a
> bit, and if everyone is on board, I will circulate a list of the the unit
> owners and numbers TOMORROW.  Just reply to that email with your phone
> number added to the list.  DO NOT ADD YOUR PHONE NUMBER TO THIS EMAIL.  IT
> Michael
> 304

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