Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion

Subject: Re: Air Conditioning Repair Suggestion
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Thu May 31 2007 - 15:06:29 CDT

Uh, Ed: re-read my post. I *NEVER* made such a suggestion. Period. End of
Story. In fact, I'm in the process of contacting this as I type this
to see how we can facilitate their paperwork to 1P.


On Thu, 31 May 2007, edward kurek wrote:

> I'm not having trouble with my A/C but I was disturbed to read this morning that Jim Thomas sugested that a company should be user that can't provide proof of insurance. No company in my opion should be used for any work involving such kind of companies just because they may give a cheaper bid and I'm confused that Jim sugested it because he was involved in the making of the rule that states that proof of insurance is required.
> On Thursday, May 31, 2007, at 09:02AM, "Manosh John" <> wrote:
> >I agree with Jim on principle. A fee for just showing up should be waived
> >when there are multiple jobs in one location. It's a different matter if
> >the fee was for an inspection. Nevertheless, I would much rather pay the
> >fee and get the job done correctly. So, my vote is for the guy who is
> >already familiar with our AC units. Hopefully the leaking valve is the
> >common problem and a quick fix. And if it's not - we're probably no better
> >off going with someone else.
> >
> >Manosh
> >701
> >
> >On 5/30/07, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> > Just like all-temp, each of us would have to pay the 'service call'
> >> > charge. It seems neither company wishes to offer us a break on the
> >> > price
> >>
> >> Bummer. Maybe we should try negotiating or bargaining---if we have
> >> 20 or so people, that's $3K - if they can't cut is slack, then maybe
> >> we can bargain with SunRay - my guess is that they have the proper
> >> insurance, but just haven't registered properly with 1P.
> >>
> >> On principle, if a company can't cut us some slack on a service call
> >> when they're making one for multiple people, they're not somebody we can
> >> trust.
> >>
> >> Jim / 501
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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