Subject: Re: A/C Appointments starting Tuesday
From: Michael Peterman (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2007 - 11:54:16 CDT
Doug volunteered to hold keys if necessary. You may want to check with him
first since we are bumping up the service visit to this week.
Doug Caron #407 C: 224-595-6625.
All-Temp is on file with First Properties. As Jim mentioned, they were
being highly unresponsive and in the interest of getting this taken care of,
we decided to use Sun Ray. You may still go with All-Temp if you wish,
however, I do not know if they will honor the group rate at this point. The
contact person there is Sean.
As far as the furnace filters go, I bought a case from an online retailer.
I will dig up the name when I get a chance but they offer many varieties
including allergen filters and pet odor filters with arm&hammer.
On 6/2/07, Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Michael Peterman and I compared notes and we feel that our best bet is
> to get things moving so we can get our A/C units serviced before more
> hot weather hits.
> We talked to Sun Ray again today, and they can fit us in starting Tuesday
> morning. They can also schedule some for Weds and Thursday, either
> mornings or afternoons.
> It would be most efficient anybody who wants their A/C units serviced to
> call and schedule an appointment for themselves for some block of:
> Tuesday: 7:30 to 12; 1 to 3
> Wednesday: 7:30 to 12; 1 to 3
> Thursday: 7:30 to 12; 1 to 3
> (NOTE: To get a Tuesday appointment, you have to let them know by Monday
> at noon)
> They need at least three people in a morning or afternoon block to get
> the $15 discount (from $85 to $70). It sounds like you don't have to
> give an exact time, but just indicate a block (eg, Tuesday afternoon)
> and SunRay can juggle and give you a more specific time.
> Michael indicated that one owner who was serviced on Friday reported that
> the serviceman said the units up there were in various states of
> disrepair. Some had locked up motors, leaks, some weren't even labeled.
> Some are apparently also missing lock pins that keep people from getting
> into them.
> If you have a flexible schedule, you might just ask SunRay to fit you
> into a block of three.
> Their costs: $70 for the site visit; rought $40 an hour labor; plus parts.
> Some of us also have a filter problem, because the filters in many units
> are an off-size. We might consider pooling resources and buying in
> quantity online.
> To schedule a visit: Call SunRay at (708) 481-9150
> Ask for Jeremy and tell him that you're part of the Vanguard Lofts
> group in Chicago and would like to be part of the crowd making
> appointments.
> People are still free to call All-Temp and arrange something, but SunRay
> was highly responsive, returned calls immediately, and were willing to
> work with us to schedule something as soon as possible.
> We (501) will schedule ours for Tuesday morning.
> Two more points:
> --We'll work with them to assure that they have roof access and don't have
> to wait 90 minutes like they did Friday
> --Somebody (I forgot who) said they would be around during the week and
> could hold keys to let SunRay in if people had to work. If that offer
> still holds, maybe chime in and tell how you can be contacted.
> Jim
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