Don't forget: Vanguard party Saturday, July 7

Subject: Don't forget: Vanguard party Saturday, July 7
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Tue Jun 26 2007 - 16:05:23 CDT

We'll put out more information later, but we're scheduling a work-fun
party for Saturday, July 7. We're following the suggestion to put
pea gravel out by the driveway area by the alley on the west side. Board
members will be doing the work, but we're hoping to have some volunteers
to help dig and tote the gravel. A space or two in the vistor's parking
area may be closed, because that's where we will probable put the gravel.
We'll have the shovels and things.

Then, afterward, we'll reward ourselves with burgers, brats, and beer
(or coke if you don't drink). You don't have to work to party with us.

More information is coming.

Jim / Board party chair

        Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
           Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University

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