Subject: Reminder: Vanguard Lofts - Saturday - Project and Cookout
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Jul 04 2007 - 16:32:02 CDT
Just a reminder - This Saturday (July 9) we'll be combining a work
session in the morning with a cookout in the afternoon.
We're going to remove the old lava rock and dead grass and stuff to
a depth of about four inches and cover it with new stone by the west
area of the sidewalk by the alley gate (by the pedestrian gate).
This will start about 10:30 a.m. It's lots of work, but it'll save us
money if we do it ourselves. So, volunteers are welcome. We'll have
shovels and picks and things.
Also: THE GUEST PARKING AREA must be empty (make sure your guests don't
park there) On Friday (July 6). We're haveing about 4 cubic hards of
the gravel dumped there so we can use it on Saturday.
The cookout will start about 4 pm in the parking lot area.
If you plan to come to the cookout, send me PRIVATE email so we have
a rough idea of how much hamburg and brats to get.
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