Subject: Re: Draft of rules
Date: Mon Jul 09 2007 - 13:30:26 CDT
Just an FYI...
The draft of the Rules and Regulations document that everyone will receive
has been reviewed and approved by the Condo Association's attorney.
Everything in the document has passed a legal review. As Jim stated in
his last email, this document has been a "work in progress" for the last 3
or 4 months. It is based upon documents obtained from other condo
associations in the West Loop area of Chicago. Our goal was to provide
clarity around existing rules and provide additional information about the
building and the Vanguard Lofts Condo Association.
I suggest that everyone take a moment and review the document in detail.
There is a lot of important information in the document that everyone
should be familiar with. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.
- Chris
Jim Thomas <>
Sent by:
07/09/2007 01:11 PM
Please respond to
Draft of rules
> I noticed in the back elevator area that a special
> meeting is going to be held on July 25, 2007 to
> discuss the new Rules and Regulations. Does the board
> have a copy of the draft rules and regulations for the
> residents to review before the meeting?
1P ran them off the hard-copy last week and they should arrive
early this week.
The online version - it's long and includes lots of basic information
in addition to the rules. It's intended as a combination handbook/manual
and rules. It's on the Vanguard homepage in the protected area. If you
don't have a login id/password (or if you've forgotten yours), send
me *private* email or send email to Chris:
The rules:
There are also some forms that might facilitate things like
complaints, dog registration, disputes between owners, and such:
The rules reflect "best practices" policies from similar-sized Chicago
Comments, suggestions, complaints, flames and such can be either
discussed on this list or, if not relevant to everybody, comments
can be sent directly to the Board at:
Jim / Sec'y
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