Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Community Tools
From: edward kurek (
Date: Mon Aug 13 2007 - 11:18:02 CDT
Should we buy any more tools to be loaned out it would be wise to clear the liability of the association particularly if we should make available ladders or other tools that would make us liable.
On Monday, August 13, 2007, at 09:41AM, <> wrote:
>The board is pleased to announce that we now have community tools for
>gardening and clean up available to everyone. This past weekend I
>converted the area under the west steps of the parking garage into an area
>for tools. We have the follow items:
>- push broom
>- regular broom
>- dust pan
>- large bow rake
>- small bow rake
>- garden hose
>- hose spray nozzle
>Please use your common area key to access the west stairwell of the
>parking garage from the service drive behind the building. As we get
>requests for more tools, we'll add to the collection. Please return all
>tools to the area under the steps once you have completed your work.
>Everyone is encouraged to volunteer and donate your time to help keep
>Vanguard Lofts looking clean and green. Special thanks to everyone in the
>building that has helped us this summer. Mary (614) did an amazing job
>cleaning the parkways on Throop.
>Dom (612) has requested a push broom and dust pan to clean up the service
>drive. Occasionally we'll have lots of loose debris on the service drive
>after the dumpsters are emptied by the waste management trucks. Dom has
>offered to volunteer his time to occasionally clean the service and
>delivery area to keep it clean for all our four legged friends.
>As time goes on the board is planning on creating a secure community tool
>room inside the building. The new community storage room will be added to
>the access control security system and any resident that wishes to use the
>items in the room can apply for access. The board is planning to add the
>room in late 2007 or sometime in 2008 as the budget allows us to complete
>this project.
>If anyone has specific requests for tools or other items they would like
>for the community storage room, please send us your requests.
>Best regards,
>- Chris
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