Re: Vanguard Lofts - Community Tools

Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Community Tools
From: edward kurek (
Date: Mon Aug 13 2007 - 17:12:16 CDT

All you have to do is get a old wooden broom stick drive a large finishing nail into it and there you go
On Monday, August 13, 2007, at 12:47PM, "Dave DeSomer" <> wrote:
>I would happily clean up the lawn on Van Buren and Throop if we could get one of those poles with the spear at the end so you can stab the garbage and the put in a bag. I've never seen those in stores before. However I have never really looked for them.
> wrote: I'll respond to Ed's email and hopefully put everyone at ease in case
>anyone else has a concern about a "community room" for residents. Provided
>that the proper legal paper work is in place, the association should be
>absolved of any liability. The community room is for everyone, but you
>must apply and sign the necessary wavier to gain access to all tools and
>supplies. You must "opt in" to use the room. The intent is to build a
>better association and a better community for the residents in the
>building. We have no intention of putting the association at risk.
>- Chris
>edward kurek
>Sent by:
>08/13/2007 11:24 AM
>Please respond to
>Re: Vanguard Lofts - Community Tools
>You see what you have started Chris! I see nothing but problems with this
>policy especially concerning power tool and ladders which would leave the
>association wide open to law suits.
>On Monday, August 13, 2007, at 10:37AM, "Michael Peterman"
>>cordless power drill
>>drill index
>>6', 10' ladder
>>shelving for boxed nails, jars or something for loose nut and bolts
>>if you have room, a bench and vice would be awesome
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