Re: few concerns

Subject: Re: few concerns
Date: Mon Sep 10 2007 - 15:31:49 CDT

P99 is registered to unit #409 - Maria Zandueta.

Bike number tags for bike hooks in the storage room is an action item for
Joe Lara (First Properties - Property Manager). He has been emailed to
provide a status update on all outstanding action items at the 9/19/2007
quarterly board meeting.

Best regards,
- Chris

"jonathan sweeney" <>
Sent by:
09/10/2007 02:17 PM
Please respond to


few concerns


Jim , I thought I would get your opinion first on some issues before I
everyone's input on the vanguard talk. 1. do have internet at home? My
internet has been out all weekend and I don't seem to have the phone
for that repairman. Could you please send me that phone number? 2. There
has been ongoing problem with the same car in the remote lot space 99
Maroon/orange ford taurus. His car alarm goes off at some very strange
and on a regular basis. This week alone it has been 4 times. All in the
hoursof 3am through 6am. As you can imagine this is very frustrating for
people who like their doors open for fresh air and are trying to sleep!
What can be done about a tenant who has a nuisance car alarm? 3. when
the bicycle number tags going to be put in place? Thanks Jonathan 604

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