Re: Exercise - It's probably not realistic, but....

Subject: Re: Exercise - It's probably not realistic, but....
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Wed Sep 12 2007 - 10:22:22 CDT

As someone who does work out (both aerobics and weights) regularly I would NOT use equipment that is simply "stored" somewhere. If we had a dedicated room that would be appealing. Realizing that this is impossible, I vote NO and will continue to go over to Cardinal Gym on Madison. Anyone who is not aware of it should check it out. It is the most reasonable well equipped gym I have ever found.
  Mary (614)

Jim Thomas <> wrote:
(NOTE: Written as a "private citizen," not board member):

It looks like we have a chunk of masochists in the building doing
marathons, triathlons, serious (and even casual) exercise, and heavy-into
working out.

Back in 1999, when people began moving in, I proposed some exercise
equipment (stationary bike, free weights, weight rack) for the
storage room. It was shot down for lots of reasons, some good, others

If there is enough interest, and if it would get use, I'm wondering
if it would be worth exploring this again. We may have a critical mass
of building residents into exercise, both hard-core and casual. If there
is enough interest, maybe we could request that the Board explore this
again. If we could over come the obstacles, then we could consider
an exercise area built on donatations. We could chip in for a bike,
donate any extra weights and bars we might have lying around, get some
leaded jump ropes, maybe an ex-ball or two.

It's a long-shot and maybe unrealistic. Obstacles in the past that
we'd have to deal with:
--city fire and other ordinances specifying what can be placed where
in public areas
--space constraints for equipment in the confined storage area
--liability (if somebody drops a weight on their toes)
--cost of acquiring/maintaining equipment
--potential for equipment being ripped-off

If there isn't sufficient interest, there's no reason to pursue it.
But, if enough people are interested, it wouldn't hurt to at least
explore our options.

Any thoughts?

Jim / #501
Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /

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