RE: rear elevator

Subject: RE: rear elevator
From: Jason Wolf (
Date: Tue Oct 02 2007 - 11:32:25 CDT

I have to share Dom's sentiment on this one. I also understand that the elevator has been and issue for a number of years. Maybe an option is to hold off on the deck repairs and make sure that the elevator is over hauled, then have the planking done? I am not sure if this is a possibility, but maybe just a thought. Also, Firemen typically don't like to have repeat calls, and eventually our association will be charged, so it seems we have a couple of issues.
I know you and the board work hard for us and will make this happen, so thanks for listening and all of your help and support.
Jay 508

> From:> To:> CC:> Subject: rear elevator> Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 15:51:39 +0000> > > Chris> My wife has gotten stuck in the back elevator twice in the last 4 days. > Both times she needed Engine 103 to pull her out. The elevator was taken > out of service the first time, but not repaired. Somebody turned it back on > the following day and she got stuck again. If it gets taken out of service > it should remain that way until fixed regardless of whether someone is > moving in or out. Also the emergency call button did not function properly. > I'm sure thats a major violation. I too will be using the front elevator > with my animal until someone can prove that repairs have been made.> > I work for the fire department and go on stuck elevator calls a lot. I know > all too well how this works. Somebody gets stuck and we shut the elevator > down. Then somebody from the building comes out and powers it back up. The > elev
ator appears to work fine and noting is done. Then we are back for the > same stuck elevator the next day.> > Can you please assure that somekind of problem is found and a repair is > made. Thanks.> Dom 612> > > >From:> >Reply-To:> >To:> >CC:, > >> >Subject: RE: Door> >Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2007 09:09:30 -0500> >> >Yes, the replacement cost of the door will fall on the condo unit owner.> >> >Replacement doors have never been an issue in the past, so we're looking> >into this with some detail. As we get more information we'll post it for> >everyone to read.> >> >- Chris> >> >> >> >> >"Allison Prybylo" <>> >Sent by:> >10/01/2007 05:46 PM> >Please respond to> >> >> >> >To> >> >cc> >> >Subject> >RE: Door> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >
> >And we can assume that the replacement cost of the door will fall on the> >condo owner?> >> >I would hope so.> >> >> >----------------------------------------------------------------------------> >From:> >Reply-To:> >To:> >Subject: RE: Door> >Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2007 15:46:22 -0500> > >All,> > >> > >The unit doors are specified in the design drawings as "Oak, Solid Core,> >C> > >Label with closer, peep hole, and knocker". All doors have a "clear> > >finish". Please keep in mind, these are fire rated doors, so> >replacements> > >will be expensive.> > >> > >The Vanguard Lofts - Rules and Regulations document has all the necessary> > >information in Section S - Remodeling, Construction, Structural Changes> >to> > >Units.> > >> > >Basically, the door needs to be an "exact match" if you plan on replacing> > >it.> > >> > >Best regards,> > >- Chris> > >> > >> > >> > >-----------------------------------------> > >This
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