Subject: Re: More info on USADISH
From: michael mccarthy (
Date: Fri Oct 19 2007 - 17:50:59 CDT
Jim & Residents-
When canceling your service who/where do we return our
receiver to? Can someone please inform me.
--- Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> Thanks to those of you who have provided the Board
> with information
> about your service issues with USADISH.
> Our understanding is that Saulius, the USADISH tech
> person, planned to
> return to the US on October 16 and begin dealing
> with service issues.
> There is no evidence, however, that USADISH has been
> on the premises
> since September 15, nearly five weeks ago.
> For those of you who are trying to get problems
> fixed, or those who
> have called to upgrade, could you do this?
> 1) Call them again in the next few days:
> 630.539.1154
> 2) Send email: Roddy Glen <>
> 3) cc
> what you email him and let us know when he called
> 4) If Saulius has called to schedule an appointment,
> let us know
> when he calls and when he comes.
> Thanks,
> Jim
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching
> Professor (emeritus)
> Department of Sociology, Northern
> Illinois University
> /
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