Building Security

Subject: Building Security
Date: Thu Nov 01 2007 - 08:59:24 CST


I have performed an independent review of the security video of the
dates/times in question and I will validate Jim's findings. All access
attempts to the building were valid. We did not have anyone enter the
building without the use of a key fob.

There have been several moves over the past few weeks, so I'm sure we'll
be seeing some new faces in the building. Please take the time to get to
know your neighbors and identify the individuals that live in our
building. If you see someone that you do not recognize, or activity that
does not look normal... please report it to the Condo Board and Property
Management ASAP. The sooner we have the information, the quicker we can

If anyone does not wish to post their information publicly, you can always
send a private email to the Condo Board at the following email address:

Board of Directors -

All private emails are logged and will receive a response. As a reminder,
the public forum is monitored by certain board members but because it is
not moderated certain posts can go unanswered.

Everyone, please make sure all doors are shut at all times. If you see a
door open, please close it. Lately we've had a problem with movers
leaving the rear double doors open and unattended. Anyone that does not
live in the building does not have a vested interest in our security. If
you see any door propped open and no one is around, simply shut the door.
You are providing a service to yourself, as well as all the residents in
the building by securing the facility.

FYI... all building security cameras are available to all residents on the
Vanguard Lofts website. The still pictures refresh automatically every
120 seconds. It is a great tool to monitor the activity at our building.
The images can be copied directly from the website and emailed to Property
Management and/or the Condo Board. Live video from the security cameras
is available on channels 14, 16, 18 of the legacy satellite video
distribution system. If you are an HD satellite subscriber, you will not
have access to the cameras unless a special installation has been
performed. USA Dish/Global Edge did not integrate the security video
feeds into the new HD satellite system.

I encourage all residents to use the video security system to monitor the
activity around the building. The Board has budgeted for additional
security upgrades in 2008. It is our hope to continue to make
improvements that will help keep everyone safe.

Lastly, special thanks to everyone for reporting issues. With the
continued efforts of the residents in the building, we'll do our best to
keep our building safe and secure.

Best regards,
- Chris

"Jason Wolf" <>
Sent by:
10/31/2007 07:48 PM
Please respond to


Re: Building security (fwd)

Thank you Jim.


We should all feel greatful for Jim's vigalance and consistant follow up
all of our emails and concerns. While I have only lived here a few
I have owned serveral lofts in my years and have many nieghbors and
condo boards...but few individuals have been as caring, consistant and
vigalant in their follow up as Jim.

So I would like to be the first to say thank you publically for all that
do for all of us and for continually keeping the lines of communicaiton

Best Regards and continued Thanks!!!!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Thomas" <>
To: "Vanguard Lofts Listserv" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2007 4:54 PM
Subject: Re: Building security (fwd)

> Given our shared concerns for building security, a reminder on security
> for your unit:
> 1) It's a good idea to have a double-lock: The bolt lock that was
> originally installed on the doors and a second lock on the knob. Many
> units have them, but too many still don't. Many of us have also added
> a security plate by the bolt lock to make it more difficult to pry open
> a door, as was done during the breakings in the West Loop area
> (including or building) a few years ago. The cost is arond $400 if
> done by a licensed locksmith.
> 2) Make sure your security alarm is activated. As I recall, none of the
> units that were broken into in our building had security alarms
> activites. We don't all have the same systems, so you should contact
> the manufacturer of your alarm to activate (or install) it. You will
> likely need a telephone line, but wireless systems are available.
> If you already have one, be sure to test it annually to make sure it
> functions.
> The alarms set off a horrendous noise (as we discovered when we didn't
> hit the proper code once; the police came up within 10-15 minutes). If
> you should hear an alarm go off, check to see what's up.
> jt
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