Re: internet service phone number Etc

Subject: Re: internet service phone number Etc
Date: Fri Nov 02 2007 - 12:11:01 CST

Hey is there a new number for the Satellite service. I have been calling everyday for a week now and can't get a return phone call.
I heard about the problems they were having before so I assume that is why I couldn't get a return call but last week it seemed others were getting through. Seeing that I didn't have an appointment I am not sure if you want me to say anything on the service sheet however they have not called back at all.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave DeSomer <>

Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 10:55:14
Subject: Re: internet service phone number Etc

Thank you! I'm pretty sure that's not one of the phone number's I've called.

Zach Simmons <> wrote:
  My internet connection is out as well again. I called Saulius (sp) at
708-785-5345. He is expected to be at my place at 1:30 today to take a
look. Give him a call and he might be able to help you out as well.


On 11/2/07, Dave DeSomer wrote:
> No. You are not alone. My internet has been out of comission since October
> 2nd. I've made 4 phone calls and sent 2 e-mails and never heard from them.
> It's BigSkyz Internet.
> Dave
> unit 402
> jonathan sweeney wrote:
> Jim,
> Do you or does anyone else know the contact name and number to the
> internet company that services our building? It is the same guy who works on
> the satellite t.v. I think his name is Solaris.
> My internet is not working (again)!
> Is anyone else experiencing difficulties with the internet?
> Maybe it's just me?
> Thanks
> Jonathan
> 604
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