Subject: Re: internet service phone number Etc
Date: Fri Nov 02 2007 - 12:55:35 CST
You're best option for internet service is AT&T DSL or any other DSL
provider. There are obvious customer service problems, internet service
problems, and equipment problems with USA Dish/Global Edge/Big Skyz. The
company is no more than two individuals, one of which is suffering from
health problems.
DSL service will provide you with dedicated bandwidth that is not shared
with other units in the building. As an added bonus, Vanguard Lofts is
located in extremely close proximity to the AT&T local switch.
Best regards,
- Chris
Sent by:
11/02/2007 01:16 PM
Please respond to
Re: internet service phone number Etc
Hey quick question. I don't know a lot about Big Sky but what
programs/packages do they offer. I kind of wonder why anyone would choose
Big Sky over DSL.
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
-----Original Message-----
From: jonathan sweeney <>
Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 16:02:58
Subject: internet service phone number Etc
Do you or does anyone else know the contact name and number to the
internet company that services our building? It is the same guy who works
on the satellite t.v. I think his name is Solaris.
My internet is not working (again)!
Is anyone else experiencing difficulties with the internet?
Maybe it's just me?
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