Subject: Re: Consistent Broken Elevator
From: Robin Raffel (
Date: Mon Nov 05 2007 - 18:10:22 CST
I agree with allisons frustration about the elevator
especially being a dog owner. It is really annoying. I
have written here about the back elevator and nobody
had responded. I have left first property messages
about it too that have not been responded to either. A
jump is not the solution. We pay a lot of money in
assessments and things should be fixed properly. We
should also not have to come to board meetings to get
things done here. Some of us have commitments at night
that dont afford us the opportunity to attend the
meetings. this is our way of venting here on the
so many things have been taken care of around the
building due to this email but a lot of things are
just talked about and not done.
--- edward kurek <> wrote:
> Allison, I called you earlier about a cleaning
> person. I'm on the board and know of the problem
> with the rear elevator what I do is give a small
> jump and it usually works. Although it shouldn't be
> the solution. Please come to next wks. mtg. to next
> wks. board mtg and vent your frustration. It should
> be fixed properly.
> On Monday, November 05, 2007, at 05:09PM, "Allison
> Prybylo" <> wrote:
> >
> >
> >Dear Board-
> >
> >Have we taken any steps to determining/fixing the
> consistently broken rear
> >elevator. When I go to use the elevator in the
> rear of the building I would
> >say that it works less than 50% of the time. As a
> homeowner in the building
> >I find this very annoying and feel this issue needs
> to be addressed and
> >fixed.
> >
> >I am shocked that there are not more complaints
> regarding this issue.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >
> >Allison Prybylo
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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