Subject: Re: Vanguard Lofts - Rear Elevator Status Report
Date: Sun Nov 11 2007 - 19:26:10 CST
I spoke to a friend and client who?is the owner of Professional Elevator Services, Inc. located in 1705 S. State St.. He says that based upon the various?explainations of the problem with the elevator it could also be a?combination of the door operator, door closer, door being warped because of the visable scratching, or finally, the negative or positive air pressure in the building that may contribute to an appearance of an equipment malfunction. They would be willing to send an technician to inspect the elevator free of charge?Tuesday morning?and submit a quotation before the Wed. board meeting as a comparision to All Type. If this is of interest, they can be reached at 312 421 0055 ask for Ken Mason, President.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 3:46 pm
Subject: Vanguard Lofts - Rear Elevator Status Report
First Properties and a member of the board have met with All-Types
(elevator service company) to perform an inspection of the rear elevator.
It has been reported there is a problem with a bearing and a sensor that
could potentially be the cause of all the problems. All-Types will be
putting together a full report with cost estimates for repair. This
information will be presented at the board meeting on 11/14/2007.
Once the repairs are completed, we will need to monitor the elevator to
ensure this repair has corrected the problem. We will keep everyone
posted with the details. Thank you for your patients and please continue
to report all problems to the board of managers and property management.
Best regards,
- Chris
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