Owners meeting - Weds, Nov 14

Subject: Owners meeting - Weds, Nov 14
From: Jim Thomas (jthomas@sun.soci.niu.edu)
Date: Mon Nov 12 2007 - 00:58:54 CST

Don't forget the annual owners meeting and elections this Wednesday
at 7 pm in the storage room. Bring chairs if you want to sit.

The minutes of the last (September) meeting are at:


(These are unofficial pending approval at the November meeting)

((If you need a login ID and password for the Associaton homepage,
contact me in private email)

A few of the agenda items the Board will be addressing include:

1) Holiday Party
2) Email List (moderating, policy about outsiders)
3) 2008 Balcony Decking Replacement Project
4) 2008 Security Camera Upgrade
5) FCC Ruling for MDU Properties (USADish issue)
6) 2008 Dog Registration
7) 2008 Bicycle Registration
8) Touch Up Painting and Lobby Painting
9) Approval of the annual budget
10) Rear Elevator
11) Balcony replacement

Jim / Sec'y

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