Subject: Re: Backup power
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 19 2007 - 14:43:08 CST
When the power goes out, two things are supposed to happen:
1) A backup battery is supposed to kick in. It was reported to be
working properly the last time it was tested. If it didn't there's
obviously a problem that the company will correct.
2) If the backup battery isn't functioning, then the key option is
designed to kick in. Keys were not removed from the owners. The key that
opens the gates in both parking lots is the same key that opens the
front and rear doors of the building. If the keys weren't working,
there's obviously a problem beyond the backup battery. Was there
a problem in usting the key as well? If so, let us know ASAP and we'll
make sure that's examined along with the backup battery problem.
On Mon, 19 Nov 2007, wrote:
> My issue was not that power went out. Things like that happen. My concern is that our building and precedures we have in place are not vey tolerable of such an event occuring. If power goes out in the neighborhood street lights will be out and thus traffic bad. Getting someone out to the building will take some time. I don't know where they are coming from but 10 minutes after makinbg the emergency call I called back for an ETA and they said they had not reached anyone yet. I then called First Properties and talked to Brian Stigall who forwarded me to Joe and Joe said 10 minutes. That was a 2 minute phone call that began at 1:23. As I said by 1:45 no one had arrived. I don't want you to believe that I am upset with their response. It is possible that under certain conditions that this is the best that can be done. I know that the keys were removed from residents. Was that identified as solving any issues. I know it was done as it could eliminate a vulnerability however if th!
> ere was no real threat simply a suspected one then there was no real risk and owners having keys to common doors would not be a real problem as more an expense to mantain when things are lost. But if the system is working entry to the building is fine however the ability to get in and out of the parking structures is a separate issue and perhaps not as important but the association should decide the importance and not just myself. I just wanted to throw it out on the table as an issue. I personal would say TV alternatives like comcast time warner or RCN are a higher priority to me than the parking issue but getting the key fob system working on the backup battery I think shouldbe higher than them both.
> Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /
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