Subject: Keys, fobs, and power-outage access
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon Nov 19 2007 - 16:48:33 CST
The information I put out a bit ago about key access wasn't totally
correct. Chris Lattimer (Board Prez) sent this over to clarify how it
works. Chris will be meeting with Initial Electronics Wednesday morning
to review the problems and explore solutions.
Although the electronic system DOES revert back to manual locks/keys,
the keys are not owners' keys. In a crunch, call a board member
(although most of us work during the day). My number is: 312-733-5546
Joe Lara at First properties: 312.829.8900 ext. 16
=========clarification follows=======
> FYI... the common area keys that all residents use in the building will
> NOT open the locks on the front doors, or rear doors on the building.
> Residents will NEVER have physical keys to access the building. Physical
> keys will bypass the access control system and create false alarms. The
> common area key will only operate the pedestrian gate, the electric swing
> gate, and the parking garage pedestrian door.
> There are emergency keys to the building in a lock box inside the electric
> room. Board members (Jim, Derek, and Chris) have access to the physical
> keys in the lockbox. This is our "Plan B" in the event of an extended
> power outage and total system failure for the access control system.
> Today First Properties was dispatched to the building with physical keys
> to allow residents to gain access to the facility. The total response
> time was less than 1 hour. The power outage lasted for a little more than
> one hour.
> - residents do not have keys to the building
> - residents only have common area keys for the follow (parking lot gates,
> pedestrian gates, parking garage doors)
> - the access control system has battery backup
> - the electric strike lock system does NOT have battery backup
> - the board is acting to get a full batter backup system installed
> - the garage door and parking lot gates do not have backup power
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