Re: Window Coverings...Any Suggestions?

Subject: Re: Window Coverings...Any Suggestions?
From: Tom Kikta (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2007 - 14:26:41 CST

Actually, drilling into the brick is not a problem. Unless you are drilling near the edge of the brick, you probably won't crack the brick. Even if you should crack a brick, the loss of one brick will not cause any significant structural problems. All masonry walls over time will experience some cracking due to settlement, etc. You obviously want to minimize the cracking that occurs, but a cracked brick on the interior wythe will not affect the structural integrity of the wall.

Joy or Jason:

I have masonry bits and a drill if you want to use them. I might even have some extra masonry anchors, as well. I'm in 709. Feel free to knock on my door or call my cell (847.567.9595).

Please call (847.567.9595 - cell) if you have any questions or require additional information.
Thomas C. Kikta, AIA
Legat Architects

>>> <> 11/27/2007 1:23 PM >>>

You should never drill into a brick. Drilling a hole into a brick can
cause it to crack and will directly effect the structural integrity of the
wall. All fasteners should be secured in the mortar joints between the
bricks. Mortar joints can be easily repaired. Use the appropriate
fasteners rated for the load you are trying to support. When in doubt,
please contact a professional for assistance.

- Chris

Christian A. Lattimer
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - It Architect & Consulting
131 South Dearborn, Floor 6
Chicago, IL 60603

Phone: 312-407-1333
Pager: 877-412-7720

"Barbara Thomas" <>
Sent by:
11/27/2007 01:08 PM
Please respond to


Re: Window Coverings...Any Suggestions?

You can drill into the brick, but I think you need a special bit. I had
mine installed, so I can't be any more specific that that.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joy Ringger" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2007 12:58 PM
Subject: RE: Window Coverings...Any Suggestions?

> actually i just want to put up some sheers but wasn't sure how to put up

> the rod with the brick wall.
> joy

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