Subject: Re: back elevator/back door
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Wed Nov 28 2007 - 19:11:18 CST
Thanks for that information, Robin. And, thanks for keeping on top of
some of these issues. Here's a follow-up on your concerns:
1) As Chris indicated, the back door problem appears to have been an
accident. It's been fixed.
2) The rear elevator continues to be a problem, and we're escalating the
pressure to get it fixed. It might take some time to get the right
people looking at it, but we are pursuing it aggressively.
3) Getting blown off when making a call to report a repair isn't
acceptable. Period! 1P has been notified to talk with the answering
service about proper courtesy and how to handle issues.
4) Calling 1P helps us to emphasize to them that there is a real issue,
and not just the Board members complaining. Unity in numbers, and all
5) We hope people continue to report problems to:
It helps us keep tabs on what the problems are. So, don't hestitate to
complain and express your frustration. It really does (we hope) make a
difference. We can't always respond to every post, but I'll try to
summarize some of the concerns periodicaly and we'll put up some of this
as we work on the FAQ section of the homepage over Christmas break.
On Tue, 27 Nov 2007, Robin Raffel wrote:
> i just went to take my dog out and the back elevator
> was stuck again on the first floor. are we ever going
> to get this fixed? it is starting to get REALLY
> ANNOYING!!! i sure hope it gets fixed before our
> assessments are raised. it is silly already.
> anyway, when i was coming back in I noticed that there
> is no longer a door knob on the outside of the back
> door. there is no way to get back inside. i walked
> around to the front.
> i did call the 24 hr. emergency # and they told me to
> call back tomorrow after 9 am. i guess they dont
> consider that an emergency.
> that is as silly as the back elevator never working.
> all the board says is to call, call, call...and all i
> ever do is call, call, call and nothing is ever taken
> care of.
Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /
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