Pet Waste Bags and 2008 Pet Registration

Subject: Pet Waste Bags and 2008 Pet Registration
Date: Fri Jan 11 2008 - 16:43:18 CST

Pet waste bags are on order. When the bags come in the dispenser will be

Please keep in mind the funds to purchase the pet waste bags come from the
pet registration fees. It is important that pet owners register their
animals so the fees can be collected. Once all the pets are registered
and the 2008 fees have been collected, we can then purchase a years supply
of pet waste bags.

Here are the remaining dates:

- January 12 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 18 from 5pm – 7pm
- January 26 from 5pm – 7pm

Best regards,
- Chris

Robin Raffel <>
Sent by:
01/11/2008 03:42 PM
Please respond to


Re: Rear swing gate

i agree with mary on the deck issue and at the last
meeting you ballparked it be no more than $500. It is
starting to get awfully expensive to live in this no
frills building.

also, the dog bag thing by the door is great but it is
never refilled. It has been empty for months.

robin raffel
--- Mary Deskovich <> wrote:

> On New Years Day, I had to move my son's car out of
> the visitor's spots (he had left it there from the
> night before and I didn't want to violate the
> 24-hour rule). I had to stop someone passing by on
> the street to hold the key in the "open" position in
> order to keep the gate open long enough. I
> attributed it to the weather, but evidently it's
> more than that.
> On another subject-I just recieved the multipage
> document "2007 Accomplishments and 2008 Activities".
> First: Why was it mailed when I have asked that
> communications from 1P be e-mailed to me, saving the
> postage? Second: Is anyone else shocked at the
> $900 price being quoted for the deck replacement?
> By my calculations, my deck uses 130 linear feet of
> decking. This means it is costing me almost $7/foot
> for the deck. That seems like an awfully high price
> for what I would figure a normal deck would cost.
> Mary
> Jim Thomas <> wrote:
> This afternoon, there was a problem with the rear
> swing gate. It would
> open, and then immediately shut. So, be careful if
> you drive through.
> I've contacted 1P about it.
> Jim
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor
> (emeritus)
> Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois
> University
> /
> ---------------------------------
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