Re: 2008 Decking Replacement Project

Subject: Re: 2008 Decking Replacement Project
Date: Fri Jan 11 2008 - 17:32:23 CST

From a logistics and liability perspective, it's best to do the project as
a whole by a licensed contractor. We've discussed many options over the
past year and for unilateral consistency, this is the best option for the

If we allow home owners to do their own installations, this will then
involve a multitude of contractors and individual unit inspections. If
there is ever a problem with a balcony installation, it becomes a virtual
night mare trying to keep track of all the parties involved to remediate
the issues. I'm sure you're aware of the balcony collapse that happened a
few years ago in Lincoln Park where several people were killed. Liability
is a huge issue with projects like this.

I agree... it's just some treated lumber and a bunch of fasteners. To
most it seems like a small project and shouldn't cost much, but due to the
large scale of our building and our qualification as a "high rise", we are
bound to rules and regulations set forth by the city. If our building was
a two story single family home, things might be different.

In regards to the nailers... the only way to tell if the nailers are still
good is to perform an inspection once all the decking has been removed. If
the nailers are in good shape there is no need for replacement. But if
you remove the decking and find the nailers are starting to show signs of
deterioration, then they must be replaced. This is something we'll leave
up to the professionals to determine.

None of us are happy about the cost... and we're doing our best to deliver
the project on time and under budget.

- Chris

Christian A. Lattimer
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. - It Architect & Consulting
131 South Dearborn, Floor 6
Chicago, IL 60603

Phone: 312-407-1333
Pager: 877-412-7720

Mary Deskovich <>
Sent by:
01/11/2008 04:53 PM
Please respond to


Re: 2008 Decking Replacement Project

Has the option been offered to have the owner install the deck themselves
thus saving them the labor and the scaffolding costs? If supplied with
the specs, I can buy the lumber and fasteners, hire someone and allow them
to access the balcony through my unit and dispose of the waste myself. It
would be less than half the $900 quoted. Also, it doesn't appear that the
supports below the deck need replacement. After receiving your reply, I
checked the balcony above mine. There appears to be nothing wrong with
the wood that supports the deck. I assume that this is probably the case
with the vast majority of the decks. wrote: The estimates we received from
several contractors ranged in price based
on the material we select for the project (composite decking vs. treated
lumber) and the scope of work involved. The cost will vary depending on
the material that is chosen. Please keep in mind the other associated
costs included in the price:

- replacement of the decking nailers under the wood planks
- city of Chicago building permit
- licensed contractor with insurance
- scaffolding, swing stages, lifts
- sidewalk protection for pedestrians
- new decking material (composite or treated lumber)
- new fasteners
- disposal of waste material (old decking and fasteners for 91 balconies)

All work will be performed from the exterior of the building, thus no
individual unit access is required. The contractors will use lifts,
scaffolding, and swing stages to perform all the work. The only
requirement of the home owner is to clear their balcony of all items prior

to the start of the project. Because our building is considered a high
rise by the city of Chicago, we are required to follow all the necessary
procedures dictated to us by the city.

The $900 price tag is at the high end of the estimates we received. We
(the board) would much rather advertise a higher price and then deliver
the project under budget if possible. This price is for home owners to
budget accordingly for the 2008 decking replacement project. The final
price will be delivered once the contractor has been selected and the
proposal has been approved.

Please keep in mind the balcony can be considered a very nice amenity. Not

everyone in the city of Chicago has the luxury of an outside space
attached to their unit. (Personally, I consider this a "frill".)

Best regards,
- Chris

Mary Deskovich
Sent by:
01/11/2008 03:17 PM
Please respond to


Re: Rear swing gate

On New Years Day, I had to move my son's car out of the visitor's spots
(he had left it there from the night before and I didn't want to violate
the 24-hour rule). I had to stop someone passing by on the street to hold
the key in the "open" position in order to keep the gate open long enough.

I attributed it to the weather, but evidently it's more than that.

On another subject-I just recieved the multipage document "2007
Accomplishments and 2008 Activities". First: Why was it mailed when I
have asked that communications from 1P be e-mailed to me, saving the
postage? Second: Is anyone else shocked at the $900 price being quoted
for the deck replacement? By my calculations, my deck uses 130 linear
feet of decking. This means it is costing me almost $7/foot for the deck.
That seems like an awfully high price for what I would figure a normal
deck would cost.


Jim Thomas wrote:

This afternoon, there was a problem with the rear swing gate. It would
open, and then immediately shut. So, be careful if you drive through.
I've contacted 1P about it.


Jim Thomas / NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University /

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