Subject: RE: Follow-up on USADish
From: MTM (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2008 - 12:47:02 CST
I'd still like to upgrade to HD and called last week but again as usual no retuned call from Rodney.
I disputed my credit card bill last month and had the charges reversed after dozens of attempt to contact USADish since Aug 07.
Even my credit card company told me that USADish didn't respond to their requests.
I'd be happy to try again unless there is an alternative.
Mike Moy
Unit 405
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Thomas <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 1:13 PM
To: Vanguard Lofts Listserv <>
Subject: Follow-up on USADish
Just a follow-up query to catch up on some of the issues people were
having with USADish service, billing/credit-card, and other problems.
Have those having problems resolve them? If there are outstanding
issues, let the Board know ( or
send it out to this list.
Jim Thomas
NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, Univerisity of Illinois/Chicago /
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