Re: Follow-up on USADish

Subject: Re: Follow-up on USADish
From: Michael Peterman (
Date: Tue Jan 29 2008 - 12:50:40 CST

After several unanswered calls and emails to USADISH (which I reported to
the board) regarding the issues I was having with my internet service, I
finally notified my credit card company to stop all charges of Bigskyz
internet. I was billed for nearly 3 months after my initial 3 service call
requests. During this time, service was sporadic at best. I left a message
with USADISH on January 4th explaining this. Naturally, they never returned
my call.

On January 25th at 2:45PM, the USADISH installer called to tell me he was in
the building and wanted to pickup my hardware. No calls were made to me
prior to this to make arrangements. So I pretty much expressed my
displeasure with the company and informed him to have the owner contact me
to arrange pickup. I've yet to hear from him.

For those interested in switching to AT&T, they now offer internet service
without a phone line. They charge a few bucks more a month, but their
highest speed (6Mb/s) is only $38.99/mo and requires a modem purchase of
$49.00 + $12.95 shipping.


On Jan 29, 2008 12:13 PM, Jim Thomas <> wrote:

> Just a follow-up query to catch up on some of the issues people were
> having with USADish service, billing/credit-card, and other problems.
> Have those having problems resolve them? If there are outstanding
> issues, let the Board know ( or
> send it out to this list.
> Jim
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jim Thomas
> NIU Distinguished Teaching Professor (emeritus)
> Department of Sociology, Northern Illinois University
> Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, Univerisity of Illinois/Chicago
> /

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