Re: USADish - New Phone

Subject: Re: USADish - New Phone
From: edward kurek (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2008 - 11:36:15 CST

         I like Toms idea.It wouldn't bother me a bit being without TV for
awhile, there's not much on it anyway.
On Feb 4, 2008, at 8:51 AM, Tom Kikta wrote:

> How about strong-arming Roddy into giving up the contract. If
> everyone canceled service with him, he would be getting absolutely
> nothing from our building. Sure, it's a bit drastic, but it beats
> putting up with this for another 3 or 4 years.
> Thomas Kikta
> 709
>>>> Jim Thomas <> 2/3/2008 1:03 PM >>>
> Mike, you suggest that we "centralize" complaints and have a sit-down
> with Roddy. As we've written repeatedly over the last 18 months, we
> ARE centralizing complaints. That's why we ask people to send us the
> information. We had a sit-down with Roddy last year. We have
> communicated owner discontent, as has 1P over the years, and as have
> previous Boards. Chris Lattimer also did some in-depth inquiries and
> complaining to Dish Network. They are unwilling to intervene
> unless there is demonstrable non-compliance with our contract by
> USADish.
> In short, we've been doing, and continue to do, what you suggest.
> We're
> also trying to find ways to expand the broadband choices for owners.
> Jim

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