RE: USADish - New Phone

Subject: RE: USADish - New Phone
From: Mary Deskovich (
Date: Mon Feb 04 2008 - 11:59:41 CST

I have no problem cancelling either. Just wonder - what will it cost to start it up again if Roddy decides "Okay, I'll give in. You can have what you want. Now, in order for you to have programming restarted on your terms, it's going to cost you ----". Or, if he doesn't agree, will another company come in before the contract is up? If not, we would be w/o TV for a couple of years.

Tom Kikta <> wrote:
How about strong-arming Roddy into giving up the contract. If everyone canceled service with him, he would be getting absolutely nothing from our building. Sure, it's a bit drastic, but it beats putting up with this for another 3 or 4 years.

Thomas Kikta

>>> Jim Thomas 2/3/2008 1:03 PM >>>

Mike, you suggest that we "centralize" complaints and have a sit-down
with Roddy. As we've written repeatedly over the last 18 months, we
ARE centralizing complaints. That's why we ask people to send us the
information. We had a sit-down with Roddy last year. We have
communicated owner discontent, as has 1P over the years, and as have
previous Boards. Chris Lattimer also did some in-depth inquiries and
complaining to Dish Network. They are unwilling to intervene
unless there is demonstrable non-compliance with our contract by

In short, we've been doing, and continue to do, what you suggest. We're
also trying to find ways to expand the broadband choices for owners.


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