Subject: Re: USADish -
Date: Wed Mar 19 2008 - 15:16:29 CST
Well he told 600 about 6 months ago for the HD DVR. I was hoping comcast would come through but that isn't happening. I told him could go buy the box for 500 brand new and he tol me that the serial numbers won't work on their system. I think that is a load of crap but didn't try it out.
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-----Original Message-----
From: "Mike" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2008 15:26:00
Subject: RE: USADish -
I'd also like to know if you move is the box compatible with any other Dish
Network services or is it propriety to this condo/system.
Mike #405
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Robin Raffel
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2008 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: USADish -
I just had Roddy here at my place because I wanted to
upgrade my box to a DVR box. It took me 3 days and
about 10 calls to finally get him here but he did show
up and on time.
I wanted to get a DVR box to replace my TIVO. When
Roddy came he explained to me that we as the home
owners would have to buy the box from him for $500.
I think that is totally crazy. I don't understand why
we can't rent the boxes like we do just the regular
dish box. If was to be able to call Dish Network
directly to change to a DVR box I could rent it.
I don't understand why I would have to pay $500 for
Can someone please explain this to me.
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