Subject: Re: USADish
Date: Wed Mar 19 2008 - 16:53:15 CST
Ok, let me go over this ONE more time...
Currently we are locked into a 10 year contract with USA Dish. USA Dish
has exclusive rights to the property. The contract between Vanguard Lofts
Condo Association and USA Dish is posted on the website for all owners. It
was signed by the Board of Directors on August 29, 2000. (Long before
many of us moved into the building.) USA Dish resells Echostar/Dish
Network to our building. (USA Dish is the middle man.) USA Dish owns the
satellite equipment and portions of the distribution infrastructure in the
building. Roddy at USA Dish can sell or rent (his choice) satellite set
top receivers to his customers. In this case, Roddy has chosen to sell
the new HDTV and DVR equipment to the residents in the building. Roddy is
setting his own prices for the equipment. (This is how he makes money.)
The prices are comparable to the retail price you will find for the exact
same equipment at many retailers. For instance, if you look around on the
internet you will find the Dish Network VIP722 (HDTV DVR) listed from $400
- $550. Roddy is selling the same receiver for $499. I'm sure he is
getting the equipment from a supplier and making anywhere from $100 - $200
per unit.
Standard Echostar/Dish Network receivers will work on our system. The
satellite receivers that get installed in our building are the same
satellite receivers you can purchase off the street. There is nothing
special about them. If you move, and you own the equipment, you can
establish your own residential account with Echostar/Dish Network using
your satellite receiver. The problem is our property is licensed as a
multi dwelling unit (MDU) with Echostar/Dish Network under the
reseller/provider USA Dish. The activation of a new receiver must be
performed by USA Dish. If you call Echostar/Dish Network and attempt to
activate a new receiver on your own, you will be denied. The activation
must be initiated by USA Dish. (Did I mention... this is how USA Dish
makes money.)
The details are in the contract. I don't think there is one person in the
building that is happy with the current contract... but it is what it is.
Outside of pricey and lengthy litigation and a ruling by a judge, we are
stuck in the contract until it expires.
This means there is approximately 864 days until the contract expires on
7/31/2010. $500 divided by 864 days equals $0.57 per day. So it will
cost you $0.57 a day to pay off the new HDTV DVR receiver and you will own
the equipment. (Please keep in mind that program pricing is set by Dish
Network.) The equipment is also transportable and you can establish a new
residential account with Dish Networks if you decide to move prior to the
expiration of the contract.
If the HDTV DVR unit is out of your price range, there are less expensive
options with fewer bells and whistles.
Best regards,
- Chris
Robin Raffel <>
Sent by:
03/19/2008 03:21 PM
Please respond to
Re: USADish -
I just had Roddy here at my place because I wanted to
upgrade my box to a DVR box. It took me 3 days and
about 10 calls to finally get him here but he did show
up and on time.
I wanted to get a DVR box to replace my TIVO. When
Roddy came he explained to me that we as the home
owners would have to buy the box from him for $500.
I think that is totally crazy. I don't understand why
we can't rent the boxes like we do just the regular
dish box. If was to be able to call Dish Network
directly to change to a DVR box I could rent it.
I don't understand why I would have to pay $500 for
Can someone please explain this to me.
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