Re: Guest Parking Rental

Subject: Re: Guest Parking Rental
From: Marty Platten (
Date: Fri May 02 2008 - 08:33:05 CDT


while i can appreciate the effort for added income for the building, i
happen to be one off the two people that park right next to one of these
spots (i'm in spot 105 and i assume we are talking about the last two spots
in the remote lot). if i had not bought a new car a few months ago, i would
not care all that much, but i doubt anyone that drives one of these i-go
cars is going to show any respect for any of our property (i.e. mine). i
would imagine there would be a lot of coming and going and a very good
chance that my car might see some dings. and of course i'll be the one left
holding the bag. that's sort of the reason that i paid a boatload of money
so i would not have to park on the street and worry about things like that.

i don't mean to be negative about it, and maybe i am over-reacting, but i
hope you understand my concern and i think that many people would feel the
same in my position. now, if there is a chance i can re-locate, i might be
wiling to do that (i doubt that's even possible -- anyone want to sell their
garage spot?). i am not sure that i will be able to make the board meeting
next week to hear them out.

by the way, there are people parked in those spots now.


On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Stankos, Brian <>

> =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A=
> Residents,=0A=
> =0A=
> Vanguard Lofts owns two = parking spaces in the remote lot that the board
> hasput up for rental by = residents during the past year. These spaces
> have
> = been rented very sporadically in the past, generating less than $400 in
> =
> income for the association. The board was recently = approached by I-Go,
> a
> car sharing program in Chicago, to see if we as a = community would be
> interested in renting these spaces to their company = on an annual basis.
> =0A=
> =0A=
> For those not familiar = with I-Go, it is a non-profit car sharing
> program,
> similar to Zip Cars, = where members reserve cars online and rent cars by
> thehour or = day. The intent of the program is to allow members to = save
> money by not having to pay for a car full time. = See[1]
> for= more information.=0A=
> =0A=
> Part of the agreement with = I-Go cars would be to allow their members
> accessto our remote parking = lot through a keypad installed at the
> pedestrian gate and at the Glady&#8217;s gate. They would = also place a
> small sign on the fence identifying the spaces to = members. =0A=
> =0A=
> Benefits to the = association for entering into this agreement would be
> increased and = guaranteed revenue from the rental fees, increased
> marketability of our = units and community, and doing our part to help the
> =
> environment. Also, residents will receive discounted = membership into
> the
> I-Go program if they choose to join. = Disadvantages obviously include
> security issues, and allowing = non-residents access to our remote parking
> lot.=0A=
> =0A=
> As a board, we are = investigating offering the lease, and will have a
> representative from = I-Go cars attend our next board meeting on May 7th
> to
> answer = questions. Prior to the board meeting, we&#8217;d = like to hear
> ifresidents have any comments regarding entering into this = agreement by
> replying to this message. I&#8217;ll = keep track of comments and see
> that
> they are addressed at the May = 7th meeting. =0A=
> =0A=
> Brian = Stankos, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, = CDT=0A=
> Associate=0A=
> Cannon Design=0A=
> 30 W Monroe, Suite 900=0A=
> Chicago, IL 60607=0A=
> Ph: 312.346.2270=0A=
> Fx: 312.346-2271=0A=
> --- Links ---
> 1 3D""

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