Subject: RE: Guest Parking Rental
From: Deborah Compagner (
Date: Fri May 02 2008 - 08:53:48 CDT
hi brian,
i'm an i-go user and would be thrilled to have one of those cars in our lot. i understand marty's concerns but have found the users of this program respectful of shared property...since many share the same car.
> Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 08:33:05 -0500> From:> To:> Subject: Re: Guest Parking Rental> > brian,> > while i can appreciate the effort for added income for the building, i> happen to be one off the two people that park right next to one of these> spots (i'm in spot 105 and i assume we are talking about the last two spots> in the remote lot). if i had not bought a new car a few months ago, i would> not care all that much, but i doubt anyone that drives one of these i-go> cars is going to show any respect for any of our property (i.e. mine). i> would imagine there would be a lot of coming and going and a very good> chance that my car might see some dings. and of course i'll be the one left> holding the bag. that's sort of the reason that i paid a boatload of money> so i would not have to park on the street and worry about things like that.> > i don't mean to be negative about it, and maybe i am over-reacting, but i> hope you understand my concern and i thin
k that many people would feel the> same in my position. now, if there is a chance i can re-locate, i might be> wiling to do that (i doubt that's even possible -- anyone want to sell their> garage spot?). i am not sure that i will be able to make the board meeting> next week to hear them out.> > by the way, there are people parked in those spots now.> > thanks.> marty> 609> > On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 7:29 AM, Stankos, Brian <>> wrote:> > > =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A= =0A=> >> > Residents,=0A=> >> > =0A=> >> > Vanguard Lofts owns two = parking spaces in the remote lot that the board> > hasput up for rental by = residents during the past year. These spaces> > have> > = been rented very sporadically in the past, generating less than $400 in> > => > income for the association. The board was recently = approached by I-Go,> > a> > car sharing program in Chicago, to see if we as a = community would be> > interested in renting these spaces to their company = on an annual b
asis.> > =0A=> >> > =0A=> >> > For those not familiar = with I-Go, it is a non-profit car sharing> > program,> > similar to Zip Cars, = where members reserve cars online and rent cars by> > thehour or = day. The intent of the program is to allow members to = save> > money by not having to pay for a car full time. = See[1]> > for= more information.=0A=> >> > =0A=> >> > Part of the agreement with = I-Go cars would be to allow their members> > accessto our remote parking = lot through a keypad installed at the> > pedestrian gate and at the Glady’s gate. They would = also place a> > small sign on the fence identifying the spaces to = members. =0A=> >> > =0A=> >> > Benefits to the = association for entering into this agreement would be> > increased and = guaranteed revenue from the rental fees, increased> > marketability of our = units and community, and doing our part to help the> > => > environment. Also, residents will receive discounted = membership into> > the> > I-Go program if they ch
oose to join. = Disadvantages obviously include> > security issues, and allowing = non-residents access to our remote parking> > lot.=0A=> >> > =0A=> >> > As a board, we are = investigating offering the lease, and will have a> > representative from = I-Go cars attend our next board meeting on May 7th> > to> > answer = questions. Prior to the board meeting, we’d = like to hear> > ifresidents have any comments regarding entering into this = agreement by> > replying to this message. I’ll = keep track of comments and see> > that> > they are addressed at the May = 7th meeting. =0A=> >> > =0A=> >> > Brian = Stankos, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP, = CDT=0A=> >> > Associate=0A=> >> > Cannon Design=0A=> >> > 30 W Monroe, Suite 900=0A=> >> > Chicago, IL 60607=0A=> >> > Ph: 312.346.2270=0A=> >> > Fx: 312.346-2271=0A=> >> >> >> > --- Links ---> > 1 3D""> >> >> > >
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