Subject: Reminder on USADish / Dish Network
From: Jim Thomas (
Date: Mon May 12 2008 - 14:51:25 CDT
Just a reminder: Don't forget that USADish and Dish Network are two
separate entities.
For billing problems or program content, call:
Dish Network (the main company): 800-454-0843
For hardware/technical problems related to the lines or equipment in
1250 West Vanburen itself, call Roddy Glen/USADish: 269-759-8819
For Big Skyze (also Roddy's company), also call: 269-759-8819
You could also try sending him email: Roddy Glen <>
There have been some recent reports of ambiguous billing and no
call-backs from Roddy.
If you have problems getting ahold of Roddy, be sure to let the
board know, and if you send him email, please cc the board:
Condo Board <>
The contract expires in August, 2010, and our legal options are
rather limited. U-Verse has reportedly been laying fiber optic
in our neighborhood, but there are apparently some city code and
other legal issues they have to work out that they recently discovered
(according to an AT&T rep this morning). There may also be a problem,
because U-Verse delivery will apparently come in through the building's
existing cable wiring, not phone wiring. The Dish contract would
seem, for now, to prevent AT&T delivery over the cable infrastructure.
We'll continue to keep people informed as we get more information.
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